Heartbeat, a hyper-Canadian dramedy, focuses on grade 12 student Mina Poleski following a car crash that leads to the death of her younger sister Jordan. When Mina hears a phantom heartbeat sound, she wonders if Jordan’s heart is contacting her from beyond the grave. Mina drags her clueless boyfriend and hapless frenemy on a journey to take revenge on the man who killed her sister, but ultimately finds a different way to let her sister go. With a score that mixes pop musical theatre with electronic music, Heartbeat is about one young woman’s journey through guilt, grief, and acceptance.

Music: Nathan Fosbinder, Book: Nathan Fosbinder and Molly Reisman, Lyrics: Molly Reisman


Dear Evan Hansen’s Gabrielle Carrubba

Suffs’ Ally Bonino

The Notebook’s John Cardoza, Gabrielle Carrubba, and Cori Jaskier